Oroton at Fashion Festival

Sunday, 26 August 2012

Remember how I promised that I would upload the photos from the swimwear show I went to? Not going to happen. There's way too much editing to do for those photos. All were over-saturated. Blerrgh. Here's a link to Sharon from Primped and Primed coverage though. 

Here are snapshots of the Oroton show. I absolutely loved it. 
That $800 blue bag in the 9th picture. I want so bad.
Such a classic brand.


  1. so jealous right now! and omg... it's Samantha Harris!
    Oroton makes some great bags but it is normal to feel disappointed in their RTW collection?
    or maybe I'm just not mature enough for their clothing

  2. This is a topic which is near to my heart... Taκe care!
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