Friday, 29 June 2012

Completely missing in action!
So much has happened since the last post and I am now busy busy busy! The main reason being that I am currently dying with the flu! My throat burns, I cannot breath through my nostrils, I tear up at the slightest twitch in my face, and I have lost every single one of my taste buds. 
Not a great way to start the overdue freedom of holidays! At this rate, sewing and painting may have to be put on hold. Creative cells mights have to, once again, bank up in the dry land of my brain. Sickness is so paralysing. I can hardly speak. Nauseous hits every time I speak a tad louder than usual.

I am currently living on Darcy the hot water bottle, 1.5 kgs of Hershey's Kisses, two boxes of tea, and probably too much medicine. Being sick is disgusting. I feel so disgusting.

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